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Playing golf in the driving rain is hard enough, and it’s nigh-on impossible when your grips are drenched, and your glove is wet through. A reliable waterproof golf bag is worth its weight in gold, because if you can keep your clubs dry, you’ll be able to focus on what matters – hitting good golf shots.  

In recent years, manufacturers have worked hard on their waterproof offerings, acknowledging that the UK golfer is faced with interchangeable weather conditions all-year-round.

Quite simply, if you’re going to buy a golf bag – stand or carry – you need it to be waterproof. Therefore, you should be paying attention to the fabric it’s made from and finding out whether it has sealed seams and zippers.

Of course, you also want a bag that ticks the other boxes: comfort, style, and usability.

There are models to suit all tastes and preferences, and you’re sure to find one that you like here.

This is our selection of the best waterproof golf bags of 2021.

Best waterproof golf bags: Stand bags

Callaway Chev Dry Stand Bag, £149.95

This bag provides year-round protection with its fully seam-sealed waterproof design. Organisation is made simple with its four-way divider top system, whilst an integrated lift handle makes the lifting and transportation of this lightweight and stylish bag much easier. It also features five pockets: a velour-lined valuables pocket, ball pocket, cooler pocket, full-length apparel pocket, and an accessory pocket.

Sun Mountain H2NO LiteSpeed Stand Bag, £249.95

Sun Mountain’s extensive range of golf bags is so impressive that choosing one is very difficult. However, because you’re searching for a waterproof option, this is one you must check out. It’s new for 2021 and is so light and comfortable to carry – less than 4.5 pounds – Sun Mountain is confident it will tempt some trolley users back to carrying. It’s packed full of brilliant features, with incredible attention to detail applied in every department.

Mizuno BR-DRI Stand Bag, £255

Mizuno doesn’t just manufacture premium irons – its latest bag range is also hugely impressive. Not only is the BR-DRI bag available in an array of eye-catching colours – the blue, silver, and red models are particularly smart – but it delivers excellent functionality. It’s lightweight and features six protected pockets, comfortable double shoulder straps, an external umbrella loop, and a matching rain hood. You shouldn’t need it, but for extra peace of mind, it also comes with a one-year waterproof guarantee.

Titleist Players 4 Plus StaDry Stand Bag, £230

Titleist bags always look easy on the eye – it’s probably the iconic Titleist font. This bag backs up its good looks with a wide range of impressive features. You have high-grade aluminium legs and advanced hinged bottom for stability and durability, whilst dual-density foam ensures long-lasting comfort. There are some fantastic colours to choose from, too – as well as the brand’s popular red and black combinations, there’s the striking blue/black/grey and charcoal/grey/apple options.

Best waterproof golf bags: Cart bags

Titleist StaDry 14 Cart Bag, £230

This bag features StaDry™ waterproof technology and seam-sealed waterproof zips to keep your golf clubs and accessories dry. It’s also constructed with abrasion-resistant materials for long-lasting durability. The bag has 14-way top cuff with full-length dividers for better club management, whilst seven forward-facing pockets provide plenty of storage space. So, if you need to remove all your wet weather gear, you have ample room in your bag if you go for this one.

Motocaddy Dry-Series Golf Cart Bag, £239.99

Normally you’d associate trolleys and GPS devices with being ‘feature-packed’, but this cart bag is most certainly that. As the name suggests, it’s constructed from waterproof fabric, which is also durable and lightweight. In addition, it features thermo-sealed and heat-welded seams, easy‑open Japanese YKK zips, a waterproof rain hood, an internal umbrella sleeve, and seven spacious pockets.

PING Pioneer Monsoon Cart Bag, £209

This aptly-named bag features eight seam-sealed pockets (12 in total) and two ventilated mesh slip pockets for airing damp items. Meanwhile, the 15-way top offers the ultimate protection for your clubs, whilst integrated handles make transporting easy. It’s available in three colours and, whilst the light grey/black/white is really smart, by going for the scarlet/black or azure, you’ll be doing your bit to brighten up the fairways on those miserable, wet days.

BIG MAX AQUA Tour 3 Cart Bag, €329,90

BIG MAX has been one of Europe’s leading golf trolley manufacturers for more than 20 years, and it boasts an extensive range of innovative golf bags. The AQUA Tour 3 is 100% waterproof and is described by the brand as the ‘ultimate cart bag’. To assist you around the golf course, it has a glove, towel, and umbrella holder, plus a dedicated battery pocket. A single-padded shoulder strap makes it comfortable to carry short distances.

Callaway Golf Hyper Dry 15 Cart Bag, £199

Callaway’s Hyper Dry is said to be 50% more waterproof than any of its previous models and boasts a multitude of features to keep all your gear dry, secure, and easy to access. It features eight pockets, including an insulated cooler pocket, and because it’s fully seam-sealed, it’s guaranteed to keep the elements out. Great attention has also been given to how the clubs are protected in the bag, with the inclusion of a new, non-stadium top that allows wedges to sit flush, eliminating hang. In addition, the 15-way top with individual full-length dividers and separate putter well prevent the shafts from knocking together.

TaylorMade Storm Dry Cart Bag, £199

TaylorMade’s Storm Dry features lightweight, waterproof construction, heat-welded seams, and thermo-sealed zippers to withstand the elements. The synthetic leather cuff and 14-way divider system, which has three full-length dividers and an integrated putter well, is designed to prevent snagging as you place or retrieve your equipment. Meanwhile, its trolley lock base system ensures your clubs stay firmly secured during the course of a round.

golf equipment covid

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Amidst the drama and excitement of getting back out there, you may have forgotten about your gear – but there are some very important adjustments to make and guidelines you need to follow.

Hannah Holden, Equipment and Instruction Editor at National Club Golfer, has laid out some guidelines to make sure you don’t find yourself in a spot of bother.

Golf equipment vs Covid: Clubs

Do not even touch other players’ clubs. Simple as that.

We’ve all been in that situation where we’re playing a friendly round and borrowed a putter because we left our own in our bag after finding trouble near a green. Just don’t.

Stick to your own and keep them clean. (I know you’ve got a stash of anti bacterial wipes at home already so you might as well make use of them.)

Golf equipment vs Covid: Balls

Same rules. Touch your own and no one else’s.

Don’t leave yourself in a situation where you would need to even think about touching someone else’s golf balls.

Found a Pro V1 in the woods? Great! Well, any other time it would be. Leave it there.

So make sure you have plenty of balls in your bag because the rough is going to be a bit thicker than normal. Why not use this as an opportunity to treat yourself to some new balls? It’s up to you if you’d rather look for a TitleistTaylorMadeCallaway or Srixon in the trees…

Golf equipment vs Covid: Tees

I know it’s tempting, particularly on a par-3, to grab a broken tee left on the tee box and use that. But that needs to stop. You have no idea who has touched them.

In fact, while we are on this point, just don’t leave broken tees on the ground full stop. Take them with you and put them in the bin when you get home.

Don’t worry if your stock is running low, you can buy shed loads of wooden tees for next to nothing.

Or, if you want to be more environmentally friendly, why not give these 100% sustainable bamboo tees from Ocean Tee a try?

Golf equipment vs Covid: Trolleys

It seems that hire trolleys will remain off-limits for the foreseeable future so maybe now is time to upgrade to one of your own?

There are plenty of impressive options from both Motocaddy and PowaKaddy.

If you need to buy one, I really like the Motocaddy M3, which starts from £749.99, and the compact Powakaddy CT6, from £649.99. Both brands have impressive push model options, too.

If they’re a bit out of your price range and want something simple, try the Masters 1 Series, which will give you change from £40.

Golf equipment vs Covid: Rakes

OK, not something you’d normally have in your bag but England Golf have already stated all rakes are to be removed from the course.

If you want to play your part in keeping the course neat, why not add one into your own setup? You can get full rakes for next to nothing in the supermarket and Amazon has one you can attach to the end of your club.

But remember, as with everything else, don’t let anyone else touch your rake.

Golf equipment vs Covid: Anything else?

Other items that won’t be available include ball cleaners so my advice would be to carry a damp towel or flannel on your bag.

Also, remember all bins have to be removed from the course or covered and not used so make sure you take a bag of some sort to stash your rubbish while you play.

And don’t touch the flagsticks!

Enjoy your round. And remember: Play Safe, Stay Safe.

world handicap system golf

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If it seems ages ago that we were talking about the dawn of the World Handicap System, that’s because it is. The new way of measuring our ability was introduced in the UK in November.

But successive lockdowns have meant many of us have barely had a chance to get to grips with terms like Course Handicaps and Slope.

As we now return to the golf course, and with the season upon us, we’re going to be dealing with our World Handicap System Indexes for the first time in a meaningful way.

In an interview with our partner National Club Golfer, Gemma Hunter, England Golf’s head of handicapping and course rating, reveals 5 key things you need to know about the World Handicap System.

1. Your World Handicap System Index and Course Handicap are not the same thing

Now we’ve moved into the new world of WHS you have two numbers you need to remember. One is your Handicap Index, which is the exact calculation of your handicap. This is equivalent to what was your CONGU handicap.

This number [usually expressed to a decimal point] is the average of the best eight of your last 20 scores – in terms of the score differential.

So if people ask ‘what’s your handicap?’ That’s your Handicap Index and that’s how we compare each other now.

Let’s look at Course Handicap. Whenever you play on a golf course, wherever you are, your index is going to change and you’re going to have a different Course Handicap.

It looks at the difficulty of that golf course for the scratch and bogey player and works out what your Course Handicap is based on the slope rating of the golf course you are playing.

2. Your Course Handicap can change depending on the course, or even the tees from which you are playing

Let’s say you are playing your home golf course: your white tees have a slope rating of 145, your yellow tees are 125, and your red tees (for men) are rated at 95. You’re going to have three very different Course Handicaps over those golf courses.

You’re going to lose shots on the red colour, you’re going to gain a few on the yellow and you’re going to gain quite a lot on the whites.

It’s all about the difficulty for the two players – scratch and bogey – playing that particular golf course.

We’re not comparing Course A to Course B. We’re comparing the same golf course but for two players of different ability.

Your handicap is no longer based on playing one single course. It is recalculated and that’s why we call it a Course Handicap. It can change for every course you play.

There are so many different ways you can check what your Course Handicap is going to be on any particular course.

You can do it via the My England Golf app, via the club boards, or you even manually work it out if you know the calculations.

Your Course Handicap is of primary importance because that’s how we work out where you are going to get your strokes.

So, in short, you know what your Handicap Index is, you’ll choose the right tee for your game on that particular day, work out your Course Handicap, and go out and enjoy your round of golf.

3. You receive a Playing Handicap during club competitions but it doesn’t affect the score that goes forward for handicap purposes

The playing handicap is purely for competition purposes. You may find the score you enter into the computer, because that score is based on your Course Handicap, will be different to what is shown on the results sheet.

That’s to be expected. It’s going to be slightly less if you play a medal, for example, because that format comes with a 95% allowance.

But don’t worry too much about the Playing Handicap. It’s purely for competition results purposes.

If you’re recording your gross score, we will use your Course Handicap to work out your new Handicap Index.

4. Social rounds can count towards your handicap

The idea of WHS is you have more opportunity to return scores for handicap purposes. It’s not limited to competition scores. It’s not limited to scores played at your home golf club, as it was with supplementary scores.

You now have the ability to choose to return a score in general play whenever you wish – either home or away.

As long as you are playing a measured golf course, and you pre-register your intent to score before you go out and play, you can return a score from anywhere.

5. You can always check your handicap, and much more, on the My England Golf App

We have launched an app with a range of features – primarily the ability to look at your handicap record. You have full access to scores and it highlights which scores are included in your handicap calculations.

It shows you handicap trends. It has a Course Handicap Calculator, which allows you to select the golf course you’re going to play, the relevant tees, and will do the calculation for you. It tells you what the Course and Slope ratings are and reveals, based on your Handicap Index, what your Course Handicap is.

The Friends functionality allows you to set up a group of people who you might normally play with, look at their records, and send notes and messages around.

We’ve got a lot more coming on stream over the next month or so. There’s much to look forward to and the app is certainly the first port of call for golfers looking to get more out of their Handicap Index.